To get started with your Ledger device, follow these steps using Ledger's official website at

Getting Started with

  1. Unboxing Your Ledger Device:

    • Begin by unboxing your Ledger hardware wallet. Ensure all packaging is intact and that the device appears genuine and undamaged.

  2. Connecting Your Ledger Device:

    • Use the USB cable provided to connect your Ledger device to a computer with a stable internet connection. Ensure your computer is free from malware and other security risks.

  3. Visit

    • Open your web browser and go to This official Ledger webpage guides you through the setup process for your Ledger device.

  4. Select Your Ledger Device Model:

    • On the page, choose your specific Ledger device model (e.g., Ledger Nano X, Ledger Nano S).

  5. Download Ledger Live:

    • Follow the prompts on the page to download and install Ledger Live, Ledger's official desktop application for managing your Ledger device and cryptocurrencies.

  6. Setup Process:

    • Launch Ledger Live after installation and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your Ledger device. This typically includes initializing the device, setting a PIN (personal identification number), and generating your recovery phrase (seed).

  7. Write Down Your Recovery Phrase:

    • During the setup process, your Ledger device will display a recovery phrase consisting of 24 words. Write down these words in the exact order provided and store them securely offline. This phrase is crucial for recovering access to your cryptocurrencies if your Ledger device is lost, stolen, or damaged.

  8. Verify and Complete Setup:

    • Confirm all settings and verify that your Ledger device is functioning correctly after completing the setup process.

Security Tips

  • Protect Your Recovery Phrase: Keep your recovery phrase offline and secure. Never share it with anyone and avoid storing it digitally or online.

  • Regular Updates: Ensure both your Ledger device firmware and Ledger Live software are kept up to date to benefit from the latest security features and improvements.

Additional Resources

  • Ledger Support: For troubleshooting and further assistance, visit the Ledger Support page.

  • Community and Forums: Engage with the Ledger community through forums, social media channels, and official support channels for discussions, tips, and updates.

By following these steps and prioritizing security measures, you can safely start using your Ledger device to manage and secure your cryptocurrencies.

Last updated